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Lydia Vargas Photography

Home page for Lydia Vargas Photography. Portrait photography for Southwest Florida, Bonita Springs, Naples, Ft. Myers, Sanibel, Marco Island.


The President of Lydia Vargas Photography is Lydia Vargas

Business classifications
SIC (US 1987) :

Fine art portraits to celebrate your engagement, romance, boutique weddings and destination weddings capture the story of each couple. Inspired by you, we create an everlasting image to transport you back to relive those moments as your heart remembers them.
Our distinctive “Siren Series” portraits feature ethereal women floating in water. Your beautiful female form is ever so envisioned with artistic poses not possible without the weightless effects of water. Opaque, billowing, shimmering fabrics, graceful arms, and flowing hair, create the illusion of a soaring siren as of the mythical sirens from Homer’s “Odyssey”. With this series we offer an optional make up artist based on availability.
Our creation of your beautiful original masterpiece begins with a pre portrait consultation to discuss the creation of your dream portrait. The location for your photography shoot will be carefully chosen with you. Beach portraits are a specialty, taking advantage of our close proximity to the most beautiful beaches and sunsets of Southwest Florida. Your location may be one of your favorite haunts, your garden, a park, a beach at sunset or one of our carefully chosen locations. Locations will be evaluated for proper lighting and environment before the day of portraiture. Clothing color schemes, what to wear, what not to wear, props, subject information, artistic style and plans for the final placement of your art in your home will be discussed.
Your portrait will be produced by one of the top professional photography labs in the country. Your art can be presented on a variety of professional media including a choice of professional paper finishes, canvas, canvas wraps, water giclees, metal and other materials available only to professionals. Specialty frames and mats can be ordered to feature your art in the style of your life.
Photography, advertising

Don't forget that the most detailed information about Lydia Vargas Photography in Bonita Springs you can always get on the official web-site, in the company's office or by calling by phone

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* When you call don't forget to inform that you've found the contact in Cataloxy
 Address: 24681 Sweet Gum Ct
34134, Bonita Springs, Florida

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Category of Lydia Vargas Photography:


florida, bonita springs, ft. myers, portraits, headshots, women in water, southwest florida, photographer, senior
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